About Louise Bury

Louise is a research and evaluation specialist with more than 18 years experience working to support health sector development and service delivery both internationally and in the UK. With two Master degrees in Social Anthropology and Applied Population Research, Louise is passionate about the power of social science research to influence funding, policy and programme design, and has a particular interest in using participatory research techniques to evaluate international development programmes. She has technical expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research and specialises in sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health.

Years of working with service providers, donors and policy makers has given Louise extensive knowledge and field experience of approaches, methods and tools, which she can draw upon in the design of appropriate studies for different health interventions and programmes. Louise approaches her work creatively and sensitively, and enjoys exploring innovative research approaches to generate insight, evaluate impact and inform decision making particularly for organisations working in resource-poor settings. She has experience in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and has lived in Cambodia for 9 years.


Louise Bury